Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 - Provision

Times are tough. Many of us find ourselves without a job, or maybe with a different lower paying job. Our Creator and Holder promises to provide for all our needs. And He is not ignorant to any degree of the particulars of our lives. But how does this pan out? Obviously this does not imply necessarily that we are to be lazy and wait for doorstep deliveries of cash for insurance payments, monthly iphone expenses, or fair trade coffee. We are to work. And work hard.

The waiting is the toughest part - waiting for the Lord to provide for our daily, monthly, annual or lifelong needs. We go through seasons in which we are blessed by the Lord’s provision in an early and even anticipatory nature. Then we participate in the aspect of the Lord’s plan where by which, the knowledge of His detailed provision is delayed.

In God’s system, He has already provided. Our eyes / heart just haven’t been made to see the “how” yet. It seems to me that the Lord’s provision timing necessitates our honest faith in Him. If we truly believe God to be Holder of all things (Colossians 1:17), then when we experience any temporary lack in our daily supply, we only need remind ourselves that our God has already seen to our needs, we’re just waiting to experience how and when.

It is an exciting thing, to wait on the Lord. Tis a great joy to the saints before us and to those of us who are alive and remain in Him, to experience seasons of God’s delayed providing. So if you’re in need, take heart, Our God has already provided the means, all that’s left is the divine discovery of the manner.

I understand… easier said.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

    And, parenthetically, I believe you meant to say "twas a great joy to the saints before us and (tis) to those of us who are alive..."
